Sunday, 9 June 2013

Loving my Galaxy S3

Very easy to use indeed.

I’m pleased at I’m getting on well with the Galaxy S3. And I have been learning more about how to set up my new smartphone. For the moment, I’m really preferring the smartphone is that the Samsung Galaxy S3 works compared to the the iphone

Blogger or Wordpress?

Up until now all of my web sites are on the word press platform, but I have also started a new 1 on blogger com. Today I was able to download an application and I am hoping that it will it possible for me to send a blog post from the Draft application directly into blogger. There is an app with a similar name on iOS called Drafts which has hooks into all manor of destinations. I would like to see this evolve to be just like it.

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Getting Started as an Android User

Android Newbie

Just got the Galaxy S3 even though the S4 has just become available. Delighted with the first few days of using the device. I have loaded up a few apps and I have even paid for a few of them. One I have only just this minute bought is Draft and I am so pleased that the app gives me easy access to the Markdown syntax. I tried out Denote and Mark Dawn but neither did the job that I was expecting it to do and they will now be deleted, never to be seen again.
Not all is perfect, like the couple of times I have had to wait too long for the device to start up from sleep and once I had to turn it off and back on again to get it running again. A couple of times I thought it was slow to operate on a task, but I am in the honeymoon period and still quite forgiving. Probably as I get further into the Android way of doing things I will be more aware of what I should expect.

Bye Bye iPhone

I am not even a little bit sad right now that I will be saying bye bye to the iPhone as the Samsung Galaxy S3 is such a fresh new plaything for me. Lots of new things to try and plenty to fiddle and twiddle with. The configurability of the device is astonishing. I will writing all about this on the Nostylus Blog and I expect to be making a video or two also to put on the Wizardgold Channel. Maybe I will have to set up a different channel for the Android stuff.